
Emperor of Chaos

Emperor of Chaos Cheats...

  Emperor of Chaos Walkthroughs

   Guild Position...
   State Position...

Guild Position

Guild Master:

1. Appoint Vise Master and Elders.
2. Resign.
3. Approve application.
4. Kick members.
5. Guild construction.
6. Start Guild Campfire (Event).
7. Summon Pig (Event).
8. Start Guild Escort (Event).

Vice Master:

1. Appoint Elders.
2. Approve application.
3. Kick members.
4. Start Guild Campfire (Event).


1. Approve application.
2. Kick Members.

Emperor of Chaos 3D Gift Code: eoc3dnewbie.

State Position


1. Can mute other players 5 times daily. (Officials can't be muted).
2. Can command during the State War.
3. Can rescue unlimited times daily.
4. Appoint all officials.
5. Exclusive wings morph.
6. Daily Salary.
7. Manage Public Security 3 times daily.
8. Launch State Wars.
9. Appoint State War Commander.
10. Exclusive stat bonuses: PATK +800 MATK +800.


1. Can command during the State War.
2. Can rescue unlimited times daily.
3. Daily Salary.
4. Manage Public Security 5 times daily.
5. Launch State Wars.
6. Appoint State War Commander.
7. Exclusive stat bonuses: PATK +640 MATK +640.
Grand Preceptor:

1. Can rescue unlimited times daily.
2. Can mute other players 10 times daily. (Officials can't be muted).
3. Daily Salary.
4. Exclusive stat bonuses: PATK +640 MATK +640.

Grand Commandant:

1. Can rescue unlimited times daily.
2. Appoint Garrison Commander.
3. Daily Salary.
4. Exclusive stat bonuses: PATK +600 MATK +600.

Garrison Commander:

1. Can rescue unlimited times daily.
2. Daily Salary.
3. Manage Public Security 2 times daily.
4. Exclusive stat bonuses: Max HP +5000 PDEF +100.

Imperial Minister:

1. Can rescue unlimited items daily.
2. Can mute other players 5 times daily.
3. Daily Salary.
4. Exclusive stat bonuses: Max HP +8000 MDEF +100.

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