Demon Gauntlet
If you go into gauntlets and click on The Demon Gauntlet, It will come up and say you need a key. To get this key, Go into the vault of secrets, Type in "The Challenge" And a level will pop up. If you have 200 diamonds, you can play it. When you beat it, The vault keeper will be surprised, and will open the basement. When in the basement, there will be a chest and a cage. Open the chest for a cube, and press the back button. Some dialogue will appear, and a monster will make you a deal. Then three locks will appear. The first one you need to complete The Chaos Gauntlet, the second you must open 50 demon chests in the treasure room, and the third you need to open the chamber of time. When you have done all these things, you will get keys. Go back into the basement and open the locks. The monster will leave, with a chest behind him. Open the chest, and you will get a death effect, a cube, and the key to The Demon Gauntlet.
Third Vault (Chamber of Time)
To get the 3rd vault, you must beat The Challenge in the 2nd vault (Vault of Secrets.) A door will be unlocked, and youll see a face and it tells you to get 3 keys. Then, go to the Coming Soon! page and click on the dots below "download the soundtracks." A door will be revealed, but then you need to go to the secret shop (unlocked by 500 diamonds) and buy the Master emblem. go bback to the door at the coming soon page and there will be a vault and a chest. if you click the chest it gives you one key to unlock the prison.