
Hard Time Cheats...

  Hard Time Walkthroughs

   Cell number...

Cell number

When you first enter the prison, the warden will tell you your cell number. Make sure you remember it, as it will be required later. You can find out your cell number by interact with other prisoners. Some of them will call you by your cell number. Remember each new cell number that you are moved to.


You can eat at the mess hall daily. However, you can also find food scattered around the prison. Do not eat too much or you will vomit, which results in losing reputation and the befits of being well fed.


Do not mess with the prison gangs at first. If you attack a cell mate that is from a particular gang, go to a different room to get rid of him. To join a gang, attack their enemies. Eventually you will be invited to join.


Get cigarettes from the floor and walk around near other prisoners. Eventually, one will an offer to purchase it. Make sure no guards catch up or you will end up with a longer sentence.


Remember where the closest toilet is located. Always be ready to go there once per day. To use the toilet, move next to it and use the "Up" direction. If you do not visit the toilet, you will lose reputation. Beat up someone (preferably a guard) while other prisoners are watching to gain reputation. Make sure there are no other guards nearby.


Sleep frequently to regenerate your stats. Besides sleeping the entire night, you also need to sleep at times during the day.

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