
Jeopardy! World Tour

Jeopardy! World Tour Cheats...

  Jeopardy! World Tour Walkthroughs

   Daily Doubles and Final Jeopar...
   Lowest Points or Money First...
   Most Familiar Categories...
   Wild Guesses...

Daily Doubles and Final Jeopardy

The Daily Double, for those who aren't familiar with the game show, is a random question on the board where you can potentially double the money you've earned so far (if you make the maximum bet of all your earnings at the moment), or lose your bet assuming you fail to get the correct answer. And in Final Jeopardy, it's pretty similar, only this time, you're assigned the topic and the question beforehand, and cannot choose your own.

In Jeopardy World Tour, the same would apply - you have to bet smartly in Daily Doubles. Don't bet too much money if you aren't sure or don't know the category by heart, but if you are confident about the topic, then go for it, and bet everything if you feel like it. Final Jeopardy, on the other hand, is a different story; if you've got a comfortable lead, there's no need to bet big, but you may want to gamble and bet bigger if you're playing catch-up.

Lowest Points or Money First

If you've watched Jeopardy, you may see some overconfident high-rollers, so to say, start at the bottom, meaning the highest points or dollar amount in a given category. But this isn't always a good long-term strategy; you're better off choosing the questions with the lowest points, because you do lose points if you get a wrong answer. As questions become progressively harder as the point/dollar equivalents get higher, you're essentially building a buffer in case the later questions don't go too well for you.

Most Familiar Categories

As an all-around trivia game show, Jeopardy has a variety of categories, covering sports, current events, entertainment, history, science, the whole works. But unless you're a super trivia buff with knowledge across different specializations, you'll likely see a few topics or more that you aren't quite familiar with. Choose the ones you know the best, especially if you're up against the AI, as you'll be allowed to make the first choice. When it comes to PvP, you may choose to start first or have your opponent choose the category - if an opponent chooses the category and you're not well-versed with it, however, you may be a disadvantage. Either way, don't gamble on anything you aren't too familiar with.

Wild Guesses

In the example we illustrated above, opponents can very easily choose categories that you don't know too well, but unlike the real Jeopardy, Jeopardy World Tour gives you three choices. That means if you take a wild guess, you have a 33 percent chance of getting the right answer, and while that might not sound like much, it's better than 0 percent if you've unfortunately got nothing (like in the actual game show), and a small chance is better than none at all when you're confronted with a question you have no clue how to answer.

If you want to improve your odds of getting the answer right in these situations, you can ask for a hint, assuming you're in PvP. That's going to have another human player assist you, and if you don't know the right answer, there's a chance that they might. Of course, there's always the chance that they won't know the answer as well, but once again, we must reiterate - a small chance of success beats no chance.

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