
Jungle Heat

Jungle Heat Cheats...

  Jungle Heat Walkthroughs

   "Death Stars Citadel": Easy co...
   "Pantheon": Easy completion...
   Base layout...
   Tornado hero...

"Death Stars Citadel": Easy completion

Use a group consisting of at least 20 Gunners, 15 Bombs, 50 Riflemen, and several Pyros. Having extra Riflemen or Pyros from clanmates will help. Start by placing about eight gunners in front of the Flame Towers at the bottom or top, then quickly launch all the Bombs to take out all three sets of walls protecting the base. Launch the rest of the Gunners, the Pyros, and then the Riflemen.

"Pantheon": Easy completion

Use a group consisting of 10 Gunners, a few Iron Storms, a couple of Choppers, and 10 Bombs. Having high level Pyros from clanmates will help. Being your attack near the gold statue inside the base, with 5 Gunners to each side, then 2 Iron Storms. Quickly launch a few bombs to breach the nearby walls. Launch the other 2 Iron Storms and the rest of the Bombs. Then, use the high level Pyro and the Choppers.

Base layout

Keep your Command Center in the center of your base and defend it as best as possible. Surround it with high level walls and the best turrets available. Start placing walls at the most exposed point, where you have minimum protection. Work your way to completely surround your base with walls. Place all the available towers around them in the areas where there are no walls. Make sure that all corners are covered. Place your Barracks, Rally Points outside this area. Force your enemy to take out Barracks and Worker Huts and other similar structures first, while you take them out with the towers. If you cannot stack all your resource silos in the middle, place the Oil Silos in the best protected area and bait your enemy with the Oil Rig or Gold Mine near some towers. You can also consider placing all your resource silos and resource producing units outside the walls to tempt attackers to spend time on them. However, you will lose a lot of resources as a consequence of keeping your Command Center intact. You do not have to destroy all the attacking troops; just make sure your Command Center does not fall. The alternative is to place all the resource buildings in the middle. Bu doing this, you can counter the strategy enemies who send lots of spies in to attack. If they have no resource building to attack, they will attack random buildings and can be easily be eliminated by your towers. Do not leave open green areas within your base. Create a compact base, and fill empty areas with walls if nothing else is available.


Send only the minimum number of soldiers required to win a battle. Each soldier that you send in will disappear at the end of the battle, regardless of outcome. Focus on creating large armies of Spies early in the game. Scout opponents with lots of resources and attack them. If their base is defended properly, send several spies in random locations to draw fire, then quickly deploy the other spies to get the most out of the resource silos. Gather as many resources as possible to upgrade your base. To win battles and increase your rating, use a combination of troops of three parts Gunner and one part Hornet . Divide them into two attacking units and target defensive towers. After the towers are eliminated, send your troops to the resources.


Keep your medals low to remain under-level and avoid attacks from more powerful players. This will keep your resources safe and allow you to get more of them by attacking weaker players. Keep your biggest resource silos defended well. Position them near the center of the base, and force an enemy to break through at least two sets of walls to reach them. Ensure that the defending walls are as high a level as possible. Place mines as a decoy around the base to get the spies to attack them first, then take them out with your defenses.


Winning tournaments gives you the opportunity to earn at least fifty diamonds every eight days. Farm other players for four days by concentrating on getting as many resources as possible, but losing all fights. The goal is to reduce your medals and rating while increasing your resources for upgrades. When a new tournament begins, you will be matched with lower level players. You will have an easier time growing and winning the tournament. Join a good, organized clan and participate in winning clan tournaments. Leave open areas on your map for debris to accumulate. Cleaning debris will usually reward you with one to three diamonds. Clean debris on your base, and win clan and individual tournaments to earn diamonds. Do not spend diamonds to rush production, unless you have them in excess.


Get as many heroes as possible and upgrade them. Heroes become very powerful once their level increases.


Play frequently during the first few days to maximize the production of buildings and to train troops. Upgrades requires about one hour. Start by focusing on building your resource-gathering towers and silos. Silos will determine the amount of resources you can stack. You cannot have more than your silos can hold. Concentrate on building and upgrading towers only after your resource-gathering towers and silos are ready.

Tornado hero

Connect to Facebook and get twenty new players into the game.


Upgrading the Barracks allows you to train more troops. The higher the level of your Barracks, the more troop types will become available, and the more you can place in your queue. To increase the number of troops you can have, you upgrade your Rally Point. The best troop type to have early is the Spy. That unit is very cheap and targets resource buildings. It can collect resources that you use to upgrade your base. Send in a full army of spies is the best approach to handle ealry battles. If all your troops die and you lose the battle, you will still keep all the resources that were looted. That's To get a better rating, you will need better soldiers. The higher the level of the soldier, the better it performs. Use several Hornets, which target towers and have high health. The Gunner should be sent first to draw fire. When you are going for ratings, Spies are not required.


Start by getting at least three Worker Huts as soon as possible.

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