Break bosses and use damaging specials
The basics of Last Cloudia's battle system is to attack, attack, attack! No, seriously, relentlessly attacking the enemy is the best way to keep them under control. Use your skills often and keep the enemy pressured to prevent them from retaliating.
This is a different story with bosses. Most bosses do not stagger when you attack them, leaving them free to attack at will. You will take heavy damage most of the time, but that is okay, as the break gauge leaves you a big chance to counter attack.
Attack the boss as much as possible to deplete the break gauge. The more damage you do, the faster the break gauge empties. Bosses take extreme damage when broken, so what you should do is save up all your skills and specials if you have them. Kyle's Final Braver does massive damage to broken bosses, so try to save it for that occasion!