
Marvel Mighty Heroes

Marvel Mighty Heroes Cheats...

  Marvel Mighty Heroes Walkthroughs

   Avoiding damage...

Avoiding damage

Enemies usually attack by using wide-spread area of effect attack. A red zone on the ground indicates where the attack will occur. For the smaller attacks, move out of the way. For larger area attacks, swipe in a direction to dodge. You can also use the dodge movement to move around quickly. There is no cooldown timer on dodge.


Each hero belongs to a particular class. Scrappers are melee fighters and have better offence at the expense of defense. They are marked with a red fist icon. Blasters attack from long range. They are better suited in the back, blasting opponents from a safe distance. They are marked by a purple crosshair icon. Bruisers are useful for handling large groups. Although they do less damage, they have increased health and defense. They are marked by a green shield icon. Generalists do not excel in a single particular role, but also do not have a specific weakness. They are useful for general missions. Each mission has a recommended hero type. Choose a team layout that is best suited for that mission type.


After an event ends, you will be given various rewards depending on how much EP earned. One of the possible rewards is ISO-8, which is used to upgrade your heroes' skills.


During missions, your performance is rated against other players. With events, you can increase your rank on the leaderboard by earning more EP or event points. EP is rewarded at the end of a mission. The more damage you deal, the more EP you will earn. All four players are ranked in terms of damage they have done. The player with the most damage dealt earns first place, which results in 125 EP. Use your skills liberally to inflict large amounts of damage. Their relatively short cooldowns will allow multiple uses. The best way to do the most damage is to always be where you can attack. Use dodge to move around faster. Additionally, switch characters as needed. For example, switch to a Blaster class to kill steal an enemy that will be attacked by a Scrapper teammate.

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