Complete the following tasks to unlock Apple Game Center achievements.
Achievement | How to unlock
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| - Defeat the Boss of World 5.
| - Earn 10,000,000 points in any Time Limit stage.
| - Raise a stage's discovery rate to 100%.
| - Earn 10,000,000 points in all Endless Mode stages.
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| - Earn 10,000,000 points in any Endless Mode stage.
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| - Collect a total of 500,000 Amber Gems.
| - Defeat the Boss of World 1.
| - Clear all stages in Adventure Mode without dying.
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| - Raise a world's discovery rate to 100%.
| - Earn 6,000,000 points in any Adventure Mode Stage.
| - Earn 10,000,000 points in any Adventure Mode Stage.
| - Earn 3,000,000 points in any Adventure Mode stage.
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| - Defeat the Boss of World 3.
| - Complete the Jugsaw Puzzle.
| - Clear a stage in 50 clock seconds.
| - Defeat the Boss of World 2.
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| - Start the game in Endless Mode.
| - Earn 10,000,000 points in all Time Limit stages.
| - Start the game in Time Limit Mode.
| - Raise all stage discovery rates to 100%.
| - Clear Advenutre Mode on Hard Mode.
| - Defeat the Boss of World 4.
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