Each area has objects that can be used to guide your shots. For example, in the dorm room if the arrow is pointing right and the wind power is above 4, swipe all the way to the light switch. If the wind power is above 1, swipe to the top hinge of the door. At wind power 5 and above, go to the left of the baseball bat's handle. Use those objects to gauge the length of your swipes. The farther you are from the basket, the more precise your swipes have to be.
You do not have to quickly flick to shot. You can slowly slide your finger all the way to the desired location. If you do not lift your finger and go directly to the correct location to launch the ball, you will still score.
The most difficult baskets to hit are those that have wind speeds of 5 and higher. When releasing the ball for those shots, it is usually best to swipe more to the sides instead of upwards.