Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - Immobilize 20 full-sized zombies with a single Ice-shroom
| - Get 40 flags in Survival Endless. (iPad only)
| - Get to a streak of 10 in I, Zombie Endless
| - Beat all of the Mini-games
| - Complete an extremely foggy level without using Planterns or Blovers
| - Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme, you've one level to destroy 3 bobsleds, it's Jalapeno time!
| - Complete Column Like You See 'Em without using Jalapenos
| - Get to a streak of 15 in Vasebreaker Endless
| - Build 5 Cob Cannons in a single level
| - Upgrade all your plants in Beghouled
| - Hypnotize a Dancing Zombie. (formerly Thrilling the Zombies)
| - Complete a daytime pool level without using Peashooters of any kind
| - Collect all Zen Garden, Mushroom Garden, and Aquarium Garden plants
| - Blow up 10 full sized zombies with a single Cherry Bomb
| - Keep 10 Twin Sunflowers alive in a single level
| - Complete a Daytime Level by planting only mushrooms and Coffee Beans
| - Find a Gargantuar in its vase using a Plantern in a game of Vasebreaker
| - Grow 10 Zen Garden plants to full size
| - Defeat a normal Roof level without using any catapult plants
| - Kill a total of 10 Gargantuars using mallets in Last Stand: Endless
| - Complete Adventure Mode for the first time
| - Win all 9 I, Zombie trophies
| - Defeat the last zombie in a level with a Lawn Mower
| - Kill 10 zombies with a single Lawn Mower
| - Get 3 diamonds in Slot Machine
| - Plant a Winter Melon in every lane
| - Crush 5 zombies with a single Squash
| - Collect all 49 plants (including plants from Crazy Dave)
| - Complete a Nighttime Level without planting any mushrooms
| - How fast can you dig your way to China?
| - Pick up 30 coins on a single level without letting any disappear
| - Complete a Pool level without using water plants
| - Defeat two Gargantuars with corn cob missiles in a single level
| - Complete a level using only explosive plants to kill zombies
| - Bowl over 5 zombies with a single Wall-nut
| - Complete Adventure Mode a second time
| - Complete Seeing Stars before the first Flag Zombie arrives
| - Win all 9 Vasebreaker trophies
| - Complete Last Stand with 2000 or more sun remaining
| - Complete Pogo Party without using Tall-nuts or Magnet-shrooms
| - Blow up a zombie using a Potato Mine
| - Complete all 5 Last Stand levels
| - Accumulate 8000 sun during a single level
| - Complete 15 flags in Last Stand: Endless
| - Grow your pile of zombies into outer space
| - Complete ZomBotany without using Wall-nuts, Tall-nuts, or Pumpkins
- Where the Sun Don't Shine
| - Complete the first "I, Zombie" level with 1000 sun remaining
| |