Various Gameplay Tips
Gameplay in here is much the same as it is in the console version, with the difference between the controls and all of the buttons you have available to press. When running, hold up on the virtual joystick to enable auto run mode. Toggle your weapon as needed between single shot, burst and auto (not all will be available with all weapons). Hit the options menu to find a bunch of other options such as toggling fire assist.
You start off with no outfit, and for awhile until you either purchase coins or play enough to earn some, you start every round in your underwear. To remedy this in battle, kill someone and then raid their backpack and steal their clothes to put them on automatically. Of course, you will also take all of their weapons, health boosters, armor, and other goodies too, but if being clothed is important, then steal some clothing.
There are many ways to kill and be killed in this game. Survival is top priority - lay low and let other players kill each other off early on, like in The Hunger Games. Go to buildings to find weapons, armor, and health boosts, and look around the outside of buildings to find vehicles. The broken, dirty ones can't be driven but the cleaner looking ones can be driven. Use vehicles to go fast, run people over, and avoid danger zones. In Squad mode, use vehicles to pull drive-by shootings on other players. Have other players ride shotgun or in the rear seats and fire away.
You have to pay 3,000 coins to modify the sex, race, and appearance of your character once you set it, so if you're not sure what you want to stick with, play as a guest. When you're a guest, delete the game and then reinstall it and you will be able to start fresh for free. If you log in with Facebook, then delete the game and play as a guest again or make a new FB account.
Avoid the red zones (bombs fall in here) and stay within the blue zones (the eye of the storm). Use the maps to your advantage, not just for your own safety, but as a good way to find other players. Skirt the outer edge of the red zone to pick off players who are escaping or to crush them with your car. Skirt the inner edges of the blue zone for the same reason, especially if the blue zone is in a specific corner of the map - then you can skirt the opposite corner of it.