VIPs are rarely seen in the game- the game will notify you through a Push Notification on your device that there is a pilot needing rescue. The game map will show a "VIP" label on the specific stage where you can find them. In that stage will have a greenish glow around them, and their dialogue box will be black and gold. Rescuing them is like rescuing the other pilots (the people in red that have a white dialogue box with a black exclamation point). To rescue your friends, you will have to find their icon within a stage where they have died. Hover over it like you would to rescue a pilot or VIP and you will "rescue" them as well. Rescuing friends and VIPs rewards you with stars. To enter the tournament you have to have at least 5 friends through Game Center. It takes place every Friday through Sunday and features different stages that are unique to the tournament and change every weekend.
Achievement | How t ounlock
- A Really Nice Pat On Your Back
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| - Destroy all enemy towers on Stage 5.
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| - Save up 20,000 stars without spending them.
- Getting Good At Breaking Things
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| - Collect 100,000 stars (cumulative).
| - Burn through 10 enemies with one Laser power-up.
- I Kind Of Liked It Back There
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| - Finish a stage with less than 10% health.
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| - Destroy the lighthouse without touching it on Stage 1.
- Little Bit Of This, Little Bit Of That
| - Use all 3 power-up types in one stage.
| - Destroy 15 enemies with one Mega-Bomb power-up.
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| - Rescue your friends 20 times.
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| - Collect all the stars from Stage 3.
- The Command Is In Your Debt
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- They're No Good In Your Pocket
| - Finish a stage with 5 unused power-ups.
| - Take part in a tournament.
| - Ram through a wave of enemies with one Shield power-up.
- Yeah, I'll Have A Bag Of Those
| - Collect 500,000 stars (cumulative).
- You'll Need More Than That, Mantis!
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