

Spellfall Cheats...

  Spellfall Walkthroughs

   Convert tiles...
   Daily reward bonus...
   Item rarity...
   Spell tiles...


Because there is no time limit, you can carefully develop a strategy by considering where elements are going to drop. Set up big chains to do lots of damage. When you match elements, they will sometimes leave behind a glowing spell tiles. The larger the match, the better the chance of this happening. When spell tiles are matched, you will automatically attack with a corresponding spell for damage. If the spell is caught in a cascade, its damage will be amplified. If there are two spell tiles of the same type, they will combine at the end of the cascade for one huge spell.


Visit the world map regularly and collect coins from areas that you have cleared of monsters. The amount of coins that are collectible gets capped, and must be taken before any more appear. Monsters may retake previously cleared areas. You will have to clear them again in order to resume coin production. The monsters usually are a higher difficulty when retaking an area.

Convert tiles

Match four or more elements to create a convert tile. They are three different versions. The horizontal and vertical types are made by matching at least four tiles horizontally or vertically. The dual convert type is created by matching elements in a cross formation. Match a convert tile with two other matching elements will turn the entire row or column into that same element, resulting in a large chain. Use them to get big charges for your runes and to do a lot of damage.

Daily reward bonus

Play the game daily to receive rewards. By playing one entire month, you will earn a premium sword for free.


Tap on a level to view its detals, including the stats of the monsters that will be encountered. Most monsters are weak to a specific type of element. Try to match that element as often as possible during battles. Also consider equipping particular weapons that also have that specific elemental booster.

Item rarity

Weapons and armor have colored rarity flags, which correspond to the relative power of the item. The higher the rarity, the more powerful it will be. The rarity flag colors, from ultra rare to common respectively, are purple, orange, blue green, white, then gray.


Some items can give you powers, such as poison. The poison ability can then be activated by tapping the icon at the bottom right corner. Charge the poison ability by matching plant tiles.


You can purchase potions for coins before starting a match. There are three types: Haste, Convert and Enchant.


Runes are special ability spells that can be slotted in sockets on your equipment. There are two types; active and passive. Passive runes are always activated when socketed. Active runes must be charged before they can be used. Each rune has a color that matches with a magic element. Matching the corresponding element will charge the meter at the bottom. The rune can be activated when the meter is full. You can switch between active runes by tapping the button at the bottom left. However, only the currently selected rune can be charged. After fully charging a rune, you can save it for later use by switching to another rune that is not ready. You can switch runes whenever the level is visible; including during cascade chains. The heal rune provided the tutorial can restore 250 points of health when activated. Because rune charges are kept between levels unless you are defeated, keep it around. The heal rune can prevent a failed level; keep it charged saved for emergencies. If you are sure you can recharge it quickly, use it to fill your health at the end of a level in order to be ready for the next level. Charge your heal ability with water tiles.

Spell tiles

Matching tiles can occasionally create glowing spell tiles. Including one of those spell tiles in a match will trigger a single large spell of that element. Multiple spell tiles of the same element will increase the intensity of that spell. Triggered spell tiles will queue up under the main character until the end of a cascade, at which point they will all go off together. The more that you activate in a cascade, the more damage you will do.

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