When not forced to counter enemy attacks, constantly slash at enemies. You will earn more points the faster you take them down. Even though they may not be vulnerable, you will still reduce their health and armor. This allows you a chance at large damage when you can get a counter in. Successive counters will leave the enemy in the vulnerable state. Watch your enemy's arm movements to judge which direction they will be swinging. Begin swiping in the direction they are going to swing rapidly, because you do not need accurate timing to deflect the attack. Just attack in the same direction as the enemy's attack to counter it. You are can perform a power strike when three blue downward pointing arrows appear. Use a downward strike to execute it. Striking in any other direction will cause you to miss that chance. Power strike opportunities may appear at random times. To prevent this, whenever the enemy becomes vulnerable, always perform downward swings. Sometimes the power strike chance appears when enemies perform charged attacks.