Complete the following tasks to unlock Apple Game Center achievements.
Achievement | How to unlock
- 1/2 Million Club (2 points)
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- 1/4 Million Club (2 points)
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- 10 Million Club (5 points)
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- 2.5 Million Club (5 points)
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- 5 Million Club (5 points)
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- Allergic to Gold (2 points)
| - 1,000m collecting no coins.
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- Circumnavigator (5 points)
| - 1,000,000 Lifetime meters.
| - Collect 5,000 coins, overtime.
- Double Resurrection (2 points)
| - Use 'Save Me' twice in one run.
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| - Collect 5 gems in one run.
| - Collect 2 gems in one run.
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| - Run 500m without collecting any coins.
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- No.Trip.Runner (2 points)
| - Run 5,000m without tripping.
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- Power Collector (1 point)
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| - Run 2,500m without tripping.
| - 250m collecting no coins.
| - 1 million without powerups.
- Treasure Hunter (1 point)
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