In-Game monsters
The sea monsters vary from region to region, and they each have their own individual movement patterns. Studying them is the key to victory - you need to know when and where to place your shots!
Monster Bay: The monsters here like to stay a little bit offset from your current position. This is probably the easiest movement pattern to deal with, since the monsters tend to line themselves up with your attacks.
Frozen Sea: The giant squids here have grown accustomed to the chilly waters and prefer not to be disturbed. These squids will stray far, far away from you to avoid your attacks, and they will always try to hang out near the edge of the screen. Careful timing when going in for an attack is required, as your window of opportunity is very short!
Crimson Ocean: Dangerous hammerheads live in these volcanic trenches! Unlike the previous two species, hammerheads prefer to get up close and personal and they will try to stick as close as they can to your boat. You can actually take advantage of this by leading them into your attacks.