Complete the following tasks to unlock Apple Game Center achievements.
Achievement | How to unlock
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| - Place 5 decorative items.
| - Place 20 decorative items.
| - Place 50 decorative items.
| - Build a Fast Food Restaurant, a Clothing Store, and a Convenience Store.
| - Build a Gas Station, Restaurant, and Motel.
| - Build a Fire Department, a Gym, and a Hospital.
| - Build a Movie Theater, a Stadium, and an Airport.
| - Upgrade your city hall and expand your city to level 4.
| - Upgrade your city hall and expand your city to level 3.
| - Create a connection with one of your friends.
| - Create a connection with five of your friends.
| - Create a connection with ten of your friends.
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| - Upgrade your city hall and expand your city to level 2.