Complete the following tasks to unlock Apple Game Center achievements.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - Shuffle the board 10 times.
| - Earn ten 10-lettered words.
| - Use the Gold, Green and Red tiles in one word.
| - Create a word containing 2 Green tiles.
| - Create 100 words containing a Gold tile.
| - Earn seven 7-lettered words.
| - Earn six 6-lettered words.
| - Earn nine 9-lettered words.
| - Earn eight 8-lettered words.
| |
| - Send 100 challenges to unique friends and complete the game.
| - Send 100 challenges to friends and complete the game.
| - Create 100 words in the Classic mode.
| - Destroy four timed tiles in one word.
| - Create a word containing 2 Gold tiles.
| - Destroy two timed tiles in one word.
| - Create 100 words in the Timed mode.
| - Create 100 words in the Tumbler mode.
| - Make 3 words without vowels.
| - Create 10 words using the wild card.