Complete the following tasks to unlock Apple Game Center achievements.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - Win an invasion with 1 zombie left.
| - Collect the Blue Grave and Red Grave.
| - Win an invasion with no zombie casualties.
| - Win an invasion after the timer expires.
| |
| - Have your garden zombie fertilize 100 times.
| - Unlock all ground upgrades in the market.
| - Collect each enemy's banner.
| - All active zombies are Masters.
| - Win an invasion in under 1 minute.
| - Unlock all zombie mutations.
| - Complete the farming tutorial.
| - Complete the invasion tutorial.
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| - Get a Double Rainbow from enemy loot.
| - Fully upgrade your storage building.
| |
| - Collect CorporateVille's rare banner.
| - Collect Old McDonnell's rare banner.
| - Collect The Ninja's rare banner.
| - Collect The Pirate's rare banner.
| - Win an invasion with all 6 zombie types present.
| - All active zombies are Veterans.
| |
| - Win an invasion 50 times.
| - Win an invasion with 2 or less zombie casualties.
| - Win an invasion 10 times.
| - Win an invasion 25 times.
| - Have the same zombie partcipate in 10 invasions.
| - Collect all zombie abilities.