
Toki Cheats...

  Toki Walkthroughs

   Easily Defeat the First Boss...
   Freak Out Mode...
   The Digitized Designers...

Easily Defeat the First Boss

This cheat is really easy. Before you exit the cave on stage one, go to the top-right corner of the screen. There will be a helmet. If you read the manual you will find that the helmet makes you invulnerable. This way, quickly get to the boss, and walk right into him. If your helmet hasn't timed out by then, he should be dead and you will have finished the level.

Freak Out Mode

Press and hold down OPT1 and UP before the title screen appears get into "freak out" mode. Or at the "Continue?" screen, after the first "beep" of the countdown, and while the timer still shows a 9, press UP and OPTION 1 at the same time, and hold them. You'll see the GAME OVER screen, but keep holding them. The TOKI demo will appear... keep holding UP and on OPTION 1. After the names of the designers fall down, the demo should go psychedelic!! The demo will cycle through colours, a catchy tune will begin, and the pad will allow you to sample digitized TOKI sounds... furthermore, pressing DOWN and LEFT repeatedly will cause the samples to descend in pitch. Conversely, pressing UP and RIGHT repeatedly will cause the samples to ascend in pitch. Note: Once the new demo begins, release UP & OPTION 1. Then use pad to sample sounds. Pressing A or B starts the game normally.

The Digitized Designers

As the screen fades to black to go to the "continue" screen, hold down Option 1 and push UP on the joypad simultaneously. Hold these all the way through the "continue" countdown. After the "continue" timer expires, you'll see a white dot in the center of the screen. At this point, press buttons A and B as quickly as possible to make the dot grow into a picture of the programmers. Continue to make it grow until the picture turns brown and the "Game Over" screen appears.

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