
Hint: Coded scrolls

Use the CLUAConsole:CreateItem("scrlaa") and CLUAConsole:CreateItem("scrla9") to get two scrolls with jumbled letters on them. The "scrlaa" scroll reads:

Aqw vjkpm K co etcba, dwv vjga ycpv aqw vq vjkpm vjcv. K mpqy ugegvu. Mggr vjg rcpvcnmmpu. Cnycau mggr vjg rcpvcnmmpu. When decoded, it reads: "You think I am crazy, but they want you to think that. I know secrets. Keep the pantaloons. Always keep the pantaloons."

The "scrla9" scroll reads:
Qc twrxepssrw evi jvii sj aiewipw. Mrjsvq xli Uyiir, wr xlex wli qmklx wlrr xliq esec. Livi ai ks 'vsyrh xli qypfivvc fywl. Ks qsroic KS! When decoded, it reads: "My pantaloons are free of weasels. Inform the Queen, so that she might shoo them away. Here we go 'round the mulberry bush. Go monkey GO!"

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