
Hint: Warlords: Suicide hole and sniper

Get on top of the roof of a bunker (where the fusion rocket launcher is located). Start blowing out holes in the wall in front, so you can get in. Keep taking out the wall with your mini-rocket launcher at a slant. After a while, you can turn right with your gun and take out the wall so you can see the light -- this takes some time. After you can see the light, look down. Usually you are high up. Jump off to make your self road kill, or take a sniper rifle up and take out opposing players. You can get so high up, that when you look up from the ground the hole will actually be over the cliff and not even on the level. If you get up this high, you can see the map plus cloud-like objects. Do not fall down or you will go into an eternal fall. When this high, your guns will have unlimited ammunition -- hold the fire button to see your gun fire a lot.

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