
King Of Fighters Round-1 Cheats...

  King Of Fighters Round-1 Walkthroughs

   Classic Kyo...
   Fight as Bosses...
   Short cut moves...
   Stage select...

Classic Kyo

Highlight Kyo at the character selection screen and press Option to play the King Of Fighters '94 version.

Fight as Bosses

Successfully complete the game using four full teams, one edit team with Shingo, or one edit team with Leona. Note: This may be done under any difficulty level. One of the six Bosses (Orochi Leona, Orochi Shermie, Orochi Yashiro, Orochi Chris, Orochi, and Orochi Iori) will become available each time that the game is completed.

Short cut moves

Accumulate 98 or more wins. Press Option when selecting "Extra" or "Advance" mode to use short cut moves. In this mode, press the D-pad + Punch or Kick to execute various difficult moves, or sweep the D-pad in a 1/2-Circle and press Punch or Kick to execute a special move.

Stage select

Successfully complete the game one time, then display the options screen.

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