Level Select
To begin, enter the password oBH jq2 xgI 5ve iNw g5f. When the game begins, pres SELECT to display the level number as two white blocks. To change it, hold B and press UP or DOWN to change the first number. Hold A and press UP or DOWN to change the second number. Press SELECT to warp to the desired location.
Location Coordinates
Gates of Nockmaar 0, 18
Tavern of the Travelers A, 9
Tir Asleen F, 19
Dew 13, F
Newlyn 1A, E
Po's house 13, 3
Twins Tower 8, 3
Thunder Cabin C, 10
Abang's room 18, 1B
Bavmorda's guard 0, 13
Bavmorda 11, 1B