
Goldeneye 007

Unlimited Lives

The hardest cheat to get for golden-eye i think is the invincebility cheat. You get this cheat by finishing the facility level within 2:05 on the 00-agent setting. It's hard but i did it so you can to. !!follow each step!!:

1)Go down the toilet without killing any guards. Go down stairs and toss a mine on the wooden box next to the door. Run to the card-holding guard but before you open this door press A+B (to detonate the mine) the mine will kill all the guards inside. Take your sillenced PP7/PPK and kill the guard. Take his KF7-Soviet and his pass. Go back to the computer (sometimes the door is open) and open the other door by pressing B when you are for the computer.

2)Run (!) all the way to the door that you opened without killing any guards. Go by the other door where there 3 guards are waiting for you. Most of the times you know have 40 bullets. If you want (I think YES) you can kill some guards but this is not necessary. Either hold left or right and open the 2 doors.

3)Go left and kill (most of the time)the 2 guards with your KF7-Soviet (!not your silenced PP7!). The noise of your gun will alarm the guard behind the automatic door and he openes this door. Shoot him.

4)Go up-stairs (youcan shoot a vieuw bullets but keep walking!) And look for Mr. Doak, found him walk towards him, when he begins with his "chits-chat" walk away; the door-opener will automaticly be in your (watch)inventory.

NOTE: Dr. Doaks place in this level is random: he can be in 7 different places. 3 of them are upstairs. Less than 50%. You have to hope/guesse that he is upstairs!

5)Walk away to the 2 stupid soldiers (most of the times they don't hear a thing. Toss a mine on the wall where the guards are and walk futher. They start shooting now press A+B zo the guards will die. The fire will kill some other guards sometimes. Open the door with your decoder.

6)Run down and start talking to 006/Alec Travelyan/Lienz-Kozak-Traiter. Go to the opposite wall of the gastanks and toss your left 3 granades. (*=mine :=2gastanks :*:*:*:) One by one. While in the air press A+B. By doing this high enough you don't kill 006. Leave the level.

It's hard but can be done. Try and don' give up. It took me 1,5 days from my hollidays. My best time is !1:26!. Beat me?!

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