
Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Event Items

Moon's Tear
At the Astral Observatory focus in on the Clock Tower and you will see the Skull Kid dancing on top of it looking at the Moon starting to colapse. You will then see the Moon shed a tear and land outside the Observatory, go outside and grab the Moon's Tear. Now take this to Clock Town and trade it to the Akindo Nut to start the long Deku Deed trading
process. The problem is whenever you want to get the deeds again after traveling through time you have to go through everything all over again.

The Four Deeds
After getting the Moon's Tear you can trade it to the Akindo Nut in Clock Town which gives you access to the Deku Flower that he owned, now use it to gather the Heart Piece with the help of your Deku form. Once you have done so you can take that Deed to Woodfall and trade it to the Akindo outside of the Photo Shop in where you can get another Heart
Piece with the Deku Flower. With the second deed you can also trade that to the Akindo found in Mountain Village to collect a third Heart Piece. There take that deed to Great Bay and to Zora Hall and in which you can find a Akindo in Maiku's room for your next Heart Piece. And finally take the last deed to Ikana Canyon to find an Akindo at Ikana Pass for
your final Heart Piece and 200 Rupees!

Inn Key
This special key gives you full access to all of the Stock Pot Inn including a secret room where you can collect 100 Rupees. This key is a great tool to get into the Stock Pot Inn during the Anju and Kafei side quest as you are required to meet there quite a few times. Anju will give you this key if you talk to her at around 1:00 PM on the first day.

Letter to Kafei
Another special item in the Anju and Kafei side quest, after meeting Anju in the Stock Pot Inn kitchen at 11:00 PM she will ask for you to deliver this to her fiance, Kafei. Put this in the mailbox and wait for the Postman to deliver it for you. The message contains secret details for Anju and Kafei to know only and is the only to reunite them once again.

Memorial Pendant
After sneaking into Kafei's secret hideout as he was distracted from gathering his mail from the Postman you can talk to him to be informed that you are there last hope to save their marriage. He asks for you to deliver this Pendant to Anju personally to show that he is alive and well.

Special Delivery to Mama Aroma
Although only used in the Anju and Kafei the Special Delivery to Mama Aroma can get you two important items in the game. Once the Curiosity Shop Owner gives you this letter in Kafei's hideout you can either deliver it to Mama Aroma personally for a Bottle or give it to the Postman for the Postman's Hat. Once you get one, go back in time and do the cycle again and do the other for both items.

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