
Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Major Items

Ocarina of Time
As most people know, the Ocarina of Time holds mystical powers by playing the correct notes you can create a song which can cause anything to happen. These songs can allow Link to travel through time, call apon his loyal steed, Epona the horse, heal others and even create storms, and much more. The Ocarina's major role is that in Majora's Mask the
moon will colapse after three days, by playing the Song of Time you can travel back through time to the first day, a very helpful tool which Link will use various time throughout the game. You get your Ocarina from your first battle at the Clock Tower with the Skull Kid, use your bubbles as Deku Link to knock it out of his hands.

Bombers Notebook
The Bombers Notebook allows you to participate in 20 optional side quests, and records the schedules of the involved characters. By helping out these characters you are usually rewarded with something like a mask or a Heart Piece. You can get the Bombers Notebook from the Bombers Gang, or Jim in particular who can be found in North Clock Town where
you must play his Hide and Go Seek game.

Pictograph Box
Allow it does not serve much of a purpose, when you save Koume in the Woods of Mystery talk to her at her Swamp Cruise there she will hand over the Pictograph for your genorosity. The Pictograph can take only one picture at a time and you trade your picture in to the contest judge (same building as the Swamp Cruise) to recieve items. Show him a picture
of the Deku King or Tingle to get a special Heart Piece.

Lens of Truth
The Lens of Truth is a magical item that has the ability to see invisable things across Termina, it can unveal thigns such as hidden platforms, treasure chests, characters and enemies. The problem is it will slowly sap away your magic power which can be quite costly when you need it. You can get the Lens of Truth from the cave outside of Mountain Village in Snowhead, follow Kaepola Gaebola's feathers to make it to the secret cave and recieve your Lens of Truth.

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