Go to the codes section of the game. Then, enter in DROIDEKA, and you will have advanced shields.
Cheat Codes
First go to the options menu then go to passcodes and enter the following:
Code - Granted Wish
talktome - Hear creator comments
ewerdead - One Hit kills
koolstuf - Showroom now available
lovehutt - View the creater staff
overload - All power ups
pathetic - Infinite lifes
Concert Hall
From the main menu select Options. Next select Passcodes,then enter:
Hard Mode
From the main menu select Options. Next select Passcodes,then enter:
Once you have entered the code you may proceed to the game as normal. You'll notice that your game has become a lot harder.
Pink Ship
From the main menu select Options. Next select Passcodes,then enter:
Once you have entered the code you may proceed to the game as normal. You'll notice that your ship has been repainted to various shades of Pink.