
Brain Age Express: Math Cheats...

  Brain Age Express: Math Walkthroughs

   Alternate main menu...
   Challenge mode...
   Slideshow mode...
   Stamp bonuses...

Alternate main menu

Speak the words "Brain Age Express" into the microphone at the main menu. Ruyta Kawashima will be surprised and his head will multiply.

Challenge mode

Have a Brain Age score of 20.

Slideshow mode

Complete any three themes.

Stamp bonuses

Collect the indicated number of stamps to unlock the corresponding bonus. One stamp is earned each day that a training mini-game is completed. Note: To play the Virus Buster training mini-game you must have earned a stamp for that day.

Battle mode for Sum Totaled mini-game: 5 stamps
By The Numbers training mini-game: 1 stamp
Calculations X 100 Hard mode: 23 stamps
Change Maker training mini-game: 10 stamps
Change Pin Tip mode: 17 stamps
Comment Settings: 15 stamps
Multi Tasker Hard mode: 30 stamps
Multi Tasker training mini-game: 25 stamps
Stamp Design mode: 3 stamps
Tips mode: 7 stamps
Triangle Math Hard mode: 28 stamps
Triangle training mini-game: 20 stamps
Virus Buster training mini-game: 12 stamps

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