Super High-Tension
Super High-Tension is a very good state, as any move performed while in this state is more powerful, whether it is a spell, ability, or attack. To achieve this, make sure you have the "Egg On" ability (a 0 MP ability). Only the hero can get it, when he talks to a certain women living under the tree in Zere. Every time you use this ability on someone, his tension will rise, going from 5 to 20 to 50 to the final 100. As soon as the character uses a move (other than defend), his Tension will go back to normal (0). Also, some states will revert the Tension to 0, such as falling asleep or getting paralyzed, among other things. keep Egging On a specific character and have the target character always doing "Defend". Once a character has a tension of 50, you have a 50% chance to successfully rise to a tension of 100, so just keep Egging On. This is a very useful to boost regular attacks offensive spells, or even healing spells.