Ultimate Dragon Monster
In the game, there are only two Rank X dragons, the "Dragon Lord," and the "Dragovian Lord." These monsters are the hardest to synthesise in the entire game, even more so then the X ranked "Dr. Snapped." To get the "Dragon Lord" you will need to synthesise an "Alabast Dragon"(Drakulard + Mechan-o'-Wurm)+"Gem Slime"('Grandpa Slime'+'Grandpa Slime' and 'Gold
Golem'+'Gold Golem') and an "Alabast Dragon"+"Captain Crow". The "Grandpa Slime"(one of them at least) you can get through filling 200 entries in your monter library, and "Captain Crow" is obtained after you defeat him. To get the "Dragovian Lord," you will need the "Dragon Lord"+"Rapthorne 2." "Rapthorne 2" is another one of the harder monsters to synthesis in the game. To obtain him you will need to synthesis a "Rapthorne"+"Zoma." If you can get the "Dragovian Lord," it is more than worth it. Good Luck!