
Pokemon Black

Cheap recovery items

In Driftveil City, there is a market where you can buy "medicinal herbs." These herbs include Heal Powder, Energy Powder, Energy Root, and Revival Herb. The Heal Powder recovers any status problems of a single Pokemon and is the equivalent of a Full Heal, which costs 600 PokeDollars, and only costs 450 PokeDollars. The EnergyPowder recovers 50 HP and is the equivalent of a Super Potion, which costs 700 PokeDollars, and only costs 500 PokeDollars. The Energy Root recovers 200 HP and is the equivalent of a Hyper Potion, which costs 1,200 PokeDollars, and only costs 800 PokeDollars. And finally, the Revival Root. This precious herb is the exact equivalent of a Max Revive and only costs 2,800 PokeDollars which is a high price, but at least "Max Revives" can be bought within the game.

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