
Pokemon White

How to get Zorua and Zoroark

Ok guys there is 2 ways you can get either pokemon. The first way is by getting Heart Gold or Soul Silver and capturing Celebi and all three legendary dogs and trading them over to pokemon black or white. the second way is easy and cheap for those who cant afford to bu all the games or a second DS, or if you dont know someone who has one. If you have a gameboy advance SP all you need to do is get a game shark(If you can find one, check at or go to best buy for your best bet.) Use the game shark select any pokemon game like,Fire Red, Leaf Green, Ruby, Saphire, or Emerald. Select the pokemon(Celebi, and the three legendary dogs from the johto region.) Capture them and transfer them to pokemon diamond or peral,when have accesed palpark. Then get another DS and transfer them over to Black or White. Once you've done that you need to find zorua and zoroarks location. (F.Y.I. i'm not sure if the gameshark pokemon will work, i havent done it myself yet. but wonce i have i will let you know.) now zoruas location is pretty simple. fly or travel to castelia city, now there is a street to your right or your charecters left based on how you play(the player must be faced away from the pokemon center.) now the street is next to the center, head down that street and go into the first building on the right. now in the lobby there is only to people, a boy and the girl. if you talk to them the girl will talk to you and the boy wont. the boy is zorua. now you must have celebi with you, and i dont think you fight zorua but you do get to pick the pokeball you want zorua in. now zoroark, fly or travel to nimbasa city, home to the battle subway and the game stadiums and the music stadium. you have to travel to the path that goes east of the music stadium that leads out of town to one of the big bridges. now there is a forest called lostlorn forest. now you must travel to the very back and in the very back you find a truck with a camper. now when you go inside there is a women but she doesnt speak to you, now this is zoroark. now you must have the three legendary dogs of the johto region, and instead of you going in to talk to her it is said she comes out to you. now this follows from the pokemon movie allusions of zoroark. now this is the real way to catch them, you dont need to do some event or anything but just do what i have told you. (F.Y.I. you might want to save before you encounter them so if you kill them you can turn the game off and back on to try again.)

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