
Rune Factory 2: A Fantasy Harvest Moon

Bringing your father back

After you defeat the final Boss, your son or daughter wants to bring her or his father back from the Forest Of The Beginning. He or she will ask Barret if there is any way to bring is or her father back from the dead. He will say that there is a way but he has forgotten. There are four shrines that you have to complete. Each one has a dragon or a big Boss guarding four pieces of the puzzle to bring back your father. Before you get to the big Boss, you must go through a gauntlet of monsters for each of the four shrines. After you defeat each monster and the door open to the teleporter, you will see two switches on left and the right. When you press one of them, your character will say two things, either "I feel some strange power over me", or "Nothing happens". The first response is the one you want in order to continue. Kill the boss that has one of the four pieces of the book to revive your father. If you select the second response, you will have to do it over again with more monsters until you get the correct switch. After you have all four pieces of the puzzle, talk to Barret. He will take the spell and will not give it back to you. Your character will say "I will find a way to bring back my dad and get the book for that spell." Barret will hide it in the back in the library. It is on the bottom shelf on the left side of the library. Start to learn the new spell. Go to your house and take a nap. The next day you will wake up and go downstairs. Start to use the new spell to bring your father back from the Forest Of The Beginning. The spell will work and you will bring your father back. He will say "You didn't give up" and your character will explain that you missed him very much while he was gone. The credits and ending will start. Afterwards, your father will be downstairs by the fireplace and you can continue play as your son or daughter.

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