
Rune Factory 2: A Fantasy Harvest Moon


Items can be obtained from the indicated source at the listed location and time.

Trieste Forest (day)
Cheap Cloth: From orc with mace at Aegis Falls, Windy Pass (Aegis Falls path), Grassy Patch, Sun Dappled Spot, Great Tree, Ruins, Green Garden, Reflecting Water.
Root: From flower blossom at Grassy Patch.
Apple: From apple trees at Spring Clearing, Grassy Patch, Green Garden.
Arrowhead: From orc archers at Aegis Falls, Windy Pass (Mushroom Patch path), Ruins, Reflecting Water.
Plant Stem: From leaf ball at River Stream.
Spore: Mushroom Patch.

Trieste Forest (night)
Insect Skin: From red ant at Aegis Falls.
Apple: From trees at Grassy Patch, Green Garden.
Wooly Furball: From Woolies at Spring Clearing.
Arrowhead: From orc archers at Windy Pass (Mushroom Patch path), Ruins, Reflecting Water.
Strong String: From spider at Grassy Patch.
Root: From flower blossom at Grassy Patch.
Plant Stem: From leaf ball at River Stream.
Sparkle String: From spiders at Sun Dappled Spot, Great Tree.
Cheap Cloth: From orc with mace at Ruins, Reflecting Water.
Speckled Skin: From ants at Green Garden.

Blessia Island (day)
Quality Cloth: From dual sword pirates at South Beach, Southeast Beach, Southwest Beach, Altar/Old ship, North Beach, Ruined Shrine.
Giant's Fingernail: From giant without mace at Dense Overgrowth, North Beach, West Beach.
Tortoise Shell: From turtle at Sandy Path, Altar/Old Ship.
Skull: From goblins with dagger at SE Beach, center, SW Beach, West Beach.
Giant's Glove: From giants with mace at Silent Cave, Ruined Shrine.
Root: From flower blossom at South Beach.
Orange: From trees at West Beach, Altar/Old Ship, Dense Overgrowth.

Blessia Island (night)
Scorpion Tail: From scorpions at South Beach, Southeast Beach, Altar/Old Ship.
Panther Claw: From panthers at Southeast Beach, West Beach, Silent Cave, Ruined Shrine.
Tortoise Shell: From turtle at Sandy Path, Altar/Old Ship,.
Root: From flower blossom at Center, Dense Overgrowth, Cliff Top.
Scorpion Pincer: From scorpionss at North Beach, Silent Cave.
Hard Horn: From beetles at Dense Overgrowth, Southwest Beach, Cliff Top.
Oranges: From trees at West Beach, Altar/Old Ship, Dense Overgrowth.
Magic Crystal: From deathstalkers/fireballs at North Beach, Southwest Beach.

Messhina Valley (day)
Proof Of warrior: From dual sword goblin at Riverbank, Withered Road, Holy Statue.
Root: From flower blossom at Riverbank, path to mountain, Giant Boulder.
Cheap Bandage: From gob archer at path to mountain, Serene Garden, Withered Road.
Bird Feather: From birds at Serene Garden, path to mountain, Holy Statue.
Grapes: From tree at Riverbank, Giant Boulder.
Bull Horn: From buffalo at Giant Boulder,.
Magic Powder: From wizard at Cave/Hall, Cave/Altar.
Hood: From necromancer at Cave/Hall, Cave/Altar, Cave/Small Room.

Messhina Valley (night).
Insect Jaw: From bee at Withered Road, Ruins, Holy Statue.
Quality Fur: From squirrel at Withered Road, Holy Statue.
Root: From flower blossoms at Riverbank, path to mountain, Giant Boulder.
Small Egg: From chicken at Riverbank.
Fur: From squirrel at path to mountain, Serene Garden.
Small Milk: From buffamoo at Giant Boulder.
Magic Powder: From wizard at Cave/Hall, Cave/Altar.
Hood: From necromancer at Cave/Hall, Cave/Altar, Cave/Small Room.

Padova Mountains (day)
Wolf Fang: From wolf at Crossroads, Icy Path, Tomb.
Shoulder Piece: From knight at Crossroads, Iceberg Midway, Icy Path, Unfrozen Lake.
Root: From flower blossom at Iceberg Midway, Unfrozen Lake.
Fairy Dust: From pixie at Tomb.
Magic Crystal: From tundra/iceball at Rushing Waterfall, Shrine.
Little Crystal: From slime at Narrow Path, Blocked off Cave.
Magic Powder: From Wizard at Rushing Waterfall, Shrine.
Hood: From necromancer at Flowing River.

Padova Mountains (night)
Glue: From dual axe knight at Crossroads, Iceberg Midway, Icy Path, Unfrozen Lake.
Wolf Fang: From wolf at Crossroads, Flowing River, Icy Path, Tomb.
Fish Fossil: From fish at Freezing Cave,.
Root: From flower blossom at Iceberg Midway, Unfrozen Lake.
Fairy Dust: From pixie at Rushing Waterfall.
Magic Powder: From wizard at Shrine.

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