Fast Social
Note: Save the game before attempting this trick. This trick can only be done if you have Optem Alfred living in your penthouse, and if you have every room built (including the Bovine Shrine). Set the Nintendo DS system date to October 31 (Halloween) of the next year. Restart the system and start the game. You should have several messages. One of them should be the cashier at your hotel. He will say that a friendly ghost came to the hotel. If you do not get this message, change the date to one year in the future again and restart. Check for the ghost in these locations: Art Gallery, Mamma Hogg's Saloon, Hotel Lobby, Atrium, and Basement. When you see him, go to a person nearby and do a Social with him or her (Impress, Calm Down, etc.) while close to the ghost. He will watch and make the Social go faster. When the mini-game is done, you will now make the social go faster for every person you socialize with. Go up to the ghost. To the right side of the screen you will see the words " Mood neutral" and there will be two selections which are "xxx Ofix mood social xxx" and "Give gift". Select the first option. Note: If you select "Give gift" your Sim will enter the Wight Abyss and not be able to get out. Your interaction with anything will not show up. Do not enter any doors or the game will freeze. Instead, reset the Nintendo DS and you will start where you saved, but will still speed up interactions. The game will also be odd and you will find new people. Note: Repeating the process may delete your saved game file.