People in this group belong to the "high-collar" workforce or are academically outstanding. They are very intellectual and refined, choosing to spend their time learning something new. Choose "Computer Daze" for the first question if you want to be in the Nerdies at the beginning of the game. The group consists of:
Polly Nomial (leader): Bespectacled geek who spends her time burying herself in books and studying. She can be found at the University almost all the time.
Lincoln Broadsheet: A passionate and inquisitive journalist who loves his job lot. He can be found in the newspaper center, or outside, almost all the time.
Maximillian Moore: A doctor obsessed with good hygiene. He can be found inside the clinic in Urbania or on the streets of Urbania most of the time.
Sue Pirnova: She is your resident inventor who is really into research and discovering new things. She can be found on the streets of SimQuarter, Urbania and the University most of the time.
Rival gang: Artsies.