
Disaster: Day of Crisis

Disaster: Day of Crisis Cheats...

  Disaster: Day of Crisis Walkthroughs

   Completion bonuses...
   Extra Costumes...
   Real Disaster difficulty...

Completion bonuses

Successfully complete the game to unlock the following bonuses.

Artwork Gallery
Extra Disaster Files
Final Shooting Gallery
Movie Gallery
Alternate Ending

Extra Costumes

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding costume.

Barbarian: Collect all Stamina Campaign signs.
Earthquake: Find the secret item in Port Alex.
Fire: Find the secret item in Port Alex.
Frog: Complete the Lahar rescue on Stage 15 in less than 25 seconds.
Heavy Rain: Complete the game.
Hurricane T-Shirt: In Stage 18 "Mud And Mercenaries", examine the door to the female toilets multiple times.
Mech Ray: Complete Real Disaster mode.
Rescuer uniform: Complete all 45 rescues.
Samurai: Collect all 100 titles.
Tsunami: Find the secret item on the ferry.
Volcano shirt: Save Iris from the molten lava, then jump across the small gap to find the shirt in a barrel.

Real Disaster difficulty

Earn at least fifty titles.


Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding weapon. Most weapons are unlocked by buying them or earning them in Shooting Galleries - However, there's a few extra ones for completing certain tasks.

Deep Impact: Shoot ten grenades before killing Gregory to unlock his assault rifle.
Immolator: Shoot ten knives before defeating Major Evans during the first battle with him to unlock his handgun.
Twister: Complete the game to unlock Colonel Haynes' shotgun.
Volcano: Shoot down ten missiles before destroying the helicopter on Mt. Rosalia to unlock the Shadow Mercenary's rocket launcher.

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