Defeating Careening Dirigibugs
Careening Dirigibugs are the bugs that float around suspended from balloons and drop explosives on you and your Pikmin. If you sneak up behind them before they take out an explosive, then knock it out of the air by throwing a Pikmin at it. There will be no explosives on the ground to kill your Pikmin, so you do not have to call them away before the Dirigibug has been defeated. If it has already gotten out an explosive, wait for it to drop it, then immediately knock it out of the air by tossing a Pikmin at it. Use the C-stick to make the rest of your Pikmin swarm around it. While your Pikmin are attacking the Dirigubug, charge towards the bomb (use X to release any Pikmin not attacking first to keep them out of harm's way), and use A to punch it away from your Pikmin.