
New Play Control! Pikmin

Defeating Polly Wolliogs (frogs)

Get a large group of Pikmin (preferably Red). Go up to the frog and dodge his first attack. Then, swarm him with your Pikmin. He will not be able to get off the ground, causing a near instant kill. This works with all frogs, but requires more with the Distant Spring frogs.

To defeat the frogs in the Forest Navel, get 20 to 35 Red Pikmin and press the C-stick to swarm the Pikmin around the frog. This should stop it from jumping and instantly kill the frog. To defeat the frogs in the Distant Spring, do the same thing, but with more Blue Pimkin.

You can kill the big killer frogs by getting 2 Yellow Pikmin and dismissing the Pikmin with bombs. Put them in front of the big frogs and walk in back of the frog. It will wake up. Quickly run away. It will go for the Pikmin, eat the bomb rocks, and die.

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