Defeating Chief Mendez
When you enter the building where you fight Chief Mendez, or "The Big Cheese", there is a glitch that will allow you to defeat him with minimal damage. After the short intermission sequence where Leon blows up Chief Mendez with the gas tank, you will have to fight him. Run up the ladder directly behind to go to the catwalk then go left. Go left again on the catwalk. There will be a group of metal boards nailed to the railing atop the catwalk. If you wait there for about five seconds and remain absolutely still, Chief Mendez will just keep walking into the catwalk, and not be able to hurt you. If you are observant enough, you can see a small square cut out of the bottom right corner of the boards. You will be able to shoot him in the face, and he cannot hurt you. This may not work if you are standing too far to the left or right of the boards on the railing. This also only works when he is in his first centipede-like mutation. It only works before he begins swinging on the beams.