
Rooms: The Main Building

Rooms: The Main Building Cheats...

  Rooms: The Main Building Walkthroughs

   Broken Teleporters Means Death...
   Challenge and Time Limit Modes...
   Gadget Wise...
   Gravity Works With Liquids...
   It's In The Back...
   Moar Gadgets (w/ Sauce)...
   Sparkle, Sparkle...
   Two Player Battle Mode (Wii on...


When detonating explosives, be sure to be in a different room or have an escape route handy. Nothing pulps players faster than a 700 MPH high explosive shockwave.

Broken Teleporters Means Death Traps

Teleporters become an invaluable tool to completing puzzles. Some Teleporters are broken so you only teleport to them but not out. A broken teleporter will look slightly charred.

Challenge and Time Limit Modes

For an additional challenge unlock these modes when you complete the game. Time Limit Mode allows a given amount of time to complete the puzzle and Challenge Mode allow a set number of moves.

Gadget Wise

When you come across a new gadget, read the help box associated with it to clue you in on what it may be used for.

Gravity Works With Liquids

When using a hydrant to drain a room, think ahead about which room you going to send the water to. Unless you have a fishbowl to walk into a flooded room, you might be in trouble down the line.

It's In The Back

The background can clue you in on the order of when the room can be completed (i.e., before or after another room). Toggle the background on/off and check things out.

Moar Gadgets (w/ Sauce)

You can unlock gadgets in Build Mode by playing through the game. Encountering a gadget means you will likely be able to use it to make your own Room!

Sparkle, Sparkle

When a room is lined up exactly where it's supposed to be, sparkles will flash and a sound will play. This gives you a visual clue that you're on the right track.

Two Player Battle Mode (Wii only)

Play against another person in Battle Mode, which consists of random puzzles that are extremely difficult. Battle mode only becomes available when a second Wii remote is synched with the Nintendo Wii.


When using a spinning room with a Whirl-Round Clock, pay attention to the number of pendulums the clock has as they represent the number of times the room can spin. Also make sure you spin in the right direction especially when you have only one spin left!

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