
Scarface: The World Is Yours

Montana investments

You can find these under the "Exotics" menu, and "Investments" option. The purpose of the investments is to provide different upgrades. You will need at least $1.5 million ($40 million for Montana Legal and $20 million for Montana Sports) to purchase most of these investments. The investments will help you level up faster.

Montana Defense: Carry an extra weapon and maximum ammunition.
Montana Fitness: All your henchmen gain 50% health.
Montana Financial: Launder all of your cash with 0% interest.
Montana Holdings: Fronts will cost you 10% less to purchase.
Montana Legal: Visibility Events reduced by half (cops look the other way).
Montana Productions: Unlocks all of Tony's clothing options in the cheat menu.
Montana Records: Unlocks new music tracks and create a new playlist.
Montana Sports: Maximum bets go up for all your gambling.

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