
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1

Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 Cheats...

  Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 Walkthroughs

   All Super Emeralds And Hyper S...
   Alternate ending and Episode 2...
   Alternate ending poses...
   Always get a jackpot...
   Bonus levels and Chaos Emerald...
   Dark Sonic...
   Dark Sonic...
   Dark Sonic...
   Debug mode...
   Hyper Sonic...
   Super Sonic...
   Super Sonic Jackpot...
   Unlimited lives...

All Super Emeralds And Hyper Sonic

While at the in game pause menu press the following with the d-pad(the directional pad):UP,UP,DOWN,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT,UP,and you will hear a chaos emerald sound and you will gain All Super Emeralds for the Hyper Sonic cheat code.While at the in game pause menu press the following with the d-pad(the directional pad):UP,DOWN,UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT,DOWN,and you will hear an extra life sound and gain the ability to transform into Hyper Sonic when you collect 100 rings.Hyper Sonic glows the color of the Chaos Emeralds and has Invincibility stars circling around himself Again,the debug code is REALLY good for this cheat because there is no way that someone is going to collect 100 rings in one level so if you want to,activate the debug code,transform into a ring and make a whole bunch of rings in an easy way that you can collect them all,so you have enough to transform into Hyper Sonic,seeing as you don't get tails as a partner even though he is in the game after you beat the mad gear zone boss 2 times and there is a cutscene where Tails is in the tornado and Sonic get's on top of the tornado to go to the final zone,and it would've been so much easier to use the debug code and get a lot of rings if you had him as a partner.

Alternate ending and Episode 2 preview

Collect all seven Chaos Emeralds in the Special Stages.

Alternate ending poses

Collect all the rings during the ending sequence and Sonic will show his fist pump pose from the Sonic The Hedgehog 2 and Sonic The Hedgehog 3 ending sequence, or turn into Super Sonic if you also have all the Chaos Emeralds.

Always get a jackpot

Enter a "slot machine" as Super Sonic.

Bonus levels and Chaos Emeralds

Complete a level with 50 rings. A giant ring will appear behind the end sign. Jump into the giant ring to advance to a bonus level. A Chaos Emerald will be at the end of all bonus levels.

Dark Sonic

For dark Sonic's style,he looks like super sonic,except his eyes are faded,his fur color is black,he has the same shoes as he does in normal form and in super form,the quills on the back of his head have the same style as super sonic,and the aura around him is a aura that stays around his body,the aura's color is black,and the aura is a little long,and it sways back and forth.For Dark Sonic's speed,he is 5 percent faster than super sonic.For Dark Sonic's jump height,He jumps 2 percent higher than super sonic.And even though Dark Sonic is invincible he is able to perform 2 other attacks.the first one is called the dash attack.Dark Sonic dashes on the ground with the aura thrusting backwards.Dark Sonic is able to perform this attack in midair as well as on the ground.Press 2 to perform this attack.The second attack that Dark Sonic has is called the teleportation attack.Dark Sonic teleports in front of an enemy(or enemies) and punches the enemy(or enemies) destroying it(or them).This attack can be done repeatedly depending how many enemies there are in the area that Dark Sonic is in,and this attack can be performed in midair as well as on the ground.Press The forward button and 2 to perform this attack.

Dark Sonic

In any level,(I usually prefer Splash Hill Zone levels),on your wii remote and d-pad(directional pad),press the following:,UP,B,B,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT,B(the directional pad is different when using it,compared to when you use it the normal way you hold it,left is up,right is down,up is right,and down is left).then hit the transform button(otherwise known as the 1 button on your wii remote).Then you will be transformed into Dark Sonic.

Dark Sonic

I made a mistake when making the extra attacks for Dark Sonic.Press 1 for Dark Sonic's dash attack,and press 1 while pressing the forward button on the d-pad(directional pad) for his teleportation attack.i though that the button to jump was a,not 2. Sorry.

Debug mode

Press the following with the d-pad(directional pad) while your at the in-game pause menu:UP,DOWN,UP,LEFT,LEFT,RIGHT,RIGHT.If you did this correctly,you will hear a ring sound.exit the pause menu and you will be able to change into objects in the game.Note:this is a good cheat for Super Sonic if you want to stay in super form.Note:you have to do this every time you play a level or play a different level.

Hyper Sonic

Oh,and the way that Sonic transform into his Hyper Form is the same way that he transforms into his Super Form Except The Chaos Emeralds are bigger and there is a Chaos Blast like shock wave when he reaches the point where he finally transforms into his Hyper Form and the shock wave glows the color of the Chaos Emeralds.And there is a motion trail behind him when he is running(and flying when he gets to full speed).And this time he can fly of of the ground.And He Can Do Chaos Control to stop time (stop everything including the enemies except for you by pressing a and pressing a again unfreezes time.

Super Sonic

Collect all seven Chaos Emeralds. Then, enter any level, collect 50 rings, and you can now transform into Super Sonic.

Super Sonic Jackpot

In the Casino Street Zone, every time you run through a game of chance as Super Sonic you will win lives.

Unlimited lives

Play the Casino Street Zone. Run through the level and activate the "slot machines" to again extra lives. When you are satisfied with the amount of lives collected, pause game play and leave the level to save those lives. Restart the level and repeat the process as many times as desired.

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