Simple battle tactics
On duel mode, here are some tactics: If force grabbed, saber throw at your enemy or force lightening. If force lightening shocked, put up your guard to block it. If saber throwed at, dash out of the way, somewhere towards your opponent, and while they are off guard (saberless) attack them. When in a force clash, you move the nunchuck to a certain position and move
the nunchuck. You have to beat your opponents to doing the same twice to deal a decent amount of damage to them. The lightsaber clashes are a carbon coby of these but using the wii remote instead.
PS: At the pit of sarlacc arena, force grasp an opponent, use the nunchuck to move them over the pit, stop all directions on the nunchuck, then release z to drop your opponent into the pit of sarlacc (you'll need to make sure your opponent doesn't know how to break a force grasp).