
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters

Cheat Codes

Select "Options" at the main menu. Select "Passwords", then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: You can learn additional passwords from your caddy. Do this by just remaining idle and not hitting the ball. At least once, your caddy will talk to you about changing the difficulty level, and occasionally will say things like "The other day, someone told me that a password to use is..."

All balls at the pro shop
Enter tour proving as a password.

All clubs at the pro shop
Enter clubsoda as a password.

All Ping clubs
Enter rapture as a password.

Enter Platinum as a password.

Adidas products
Enter ClimaCool as a password.

FootJoy products
Enter Dry Joys as a password.

Tiger Woods pants and shirts
Enter gearoftheTiger as a password.

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