
Vectorman Cheats...

  Vectorman Walkthroughs

   Blow up SEGA logo...
   Bonus Points...
   Choose Your Weapon...
   Debug Mode...
   Full Health...
   Help Menu...
   Invisibilty and Invincibility...
   Level Warp...
   Light bulbs...
   Logo Bonus...
   Practice Mode...
   Shield and Boosted Double Jump...
   Slow Motion...
   Stage Select and More...
   Super Attack...
   Taxi Mode...
   Vectorman's Clone...
   View Coordinates...

Blow up SEGA logo

At the SEGA screen, move Vectorman slightly to the right of the logo. Aim upwards and shoot. There is a hidden T.V. monitor there. Once it is broken, there will be an orb power up. Grab it and when you use it, the SEGA logo will go dark and the background will stop moving.

Bonus Points

Zapping the bad guys is a lot of fun, but for a huge bonus, complete a level without shooting anything. You can also get a photon bonus if you finish the level without using photons.

Choose Your Weapon

Enter C, A, LEFT, LEFT, DOWN, A, DOWN (CALLDAD) to change your weapon. Repeating the code can change your weapon to the next one.

Debug Mode

To access a debug mode, on the options screen press A, B, B, A, Down, A, B, B, A. A menu will be brought up with health, lives, level select, and weapon options.

Full Health

Pause the game and press A, B, Right, A, C, A, Down, A, B, Right, A.


To refill your life meter at any time, pause the game and press: A, B, Right, A, C, A, Down, A, B, Right, A.

Help Menu

While in the Options menu press: A, B, B, A, Up to see a help menu that describes all the items and power-ups you will see throughout the entire game.

Invisibilty and Invincibility

First grab a bomb morph, and detonate Vectorman. Pause the game while Vectorman is still exploding and enter CALLACAB (C A left left A C A B). Unpause the game. Pause again and enter the CALLACAB code. Unpause it, and Vectorman will be invisible AND invicible. Reenter the CALLACAB code to turn it off. No bomb morph is nedded to disable it.

Level Warp

When you turn on the game you can move Vectorman around, on the SEGA screen. Shoot the SEGA logo 24 times, jump and hit the sega logo with Vectorman's Head 12 times, and the letters S E G and A will start falling. Catch 90 to 110 letters to start on Stage 5, catch over 110 letters to start on Day 10.

Light bulbs

During game play, press pause and enter A,B,A,C,A,B and press pause. A group of lights should be around you. The four lights that surround Vectorman actually indicate the field of collission detection. The light at the bottom inticates the colission detection of Vectorman's jets.

Logo Bonus

At the Sega logo Vectorman stands on top of it. Move Vectorman from on top of the logo to below it. Shoot the logo 24 times and head-butt it 12 times. The words "Get Ready" will appear and shortly the letters 'S', 'E', 'G', and 'A' will begin falling. Catch 90 to 109 letters to warp to level 5. Catch 110 or more to warp to level 10.

Practice Mode

At the SEGA screen press any button. This will let you practice controlling Vectorman. Also, if you stand on the right side of the screen and shoot up you'll hit a TV. Break the TV and collect the item revealed and use it to blow up the Sega sign.

Shield and Boosted Double Jump

For a shield and a better jump, pause the game and press A, B, A, C, A, B, B.

Slow Motion

This code will slow down the game whenever you're hit. While playing, pause and press Down, Right, A, C, Up, Left, A. This code is a toggle, so if you get tired of it, you can turn it off by entering the code again.

Stage Select and More

Enter this code at the options menu. You should be taken to a new section of the options menu that'll let have access to any level, choose how much health and lives you have and lets you choose which powerup weapon to start with. Only downside is you can't see the good ending if you use it.

Effect - Code

Stage Select - B, A, A, B, Down, B, A, A, B

Super Attack

Start Vectorman and keep running east on the SEGA logo and shoot up and to the right. Keep doing it until the screen flashes. Then you will see something hanging. Then jump at it to get a super attack.

Taxi Mode

While playing, anywhere in the game pause and press C, A, L, L, A, C, A, B(Call a Cab). You will turn into a small cursor/arrow and you can travel anywhere in the level. Enemies can also be killed by coming in contact with them. Bosses cannot be killed this way. To return to normal, pause and enter the code again.

Vectorman's Clone

While playing pause and type: A, B, B, C, A, A, A, C, C, Down, Up, Up, Down.

View Coordinates

To see where you are at all times, pause the game and press B, A, Left, Left or B, A, Left, Down.

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