Award | How to unlock
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| - Complete a corner grapple on all four corners.
| - Pick up downed opponent five times.
| - Take finishing moves from opponent and win.
| - Bust a sledgehammer on opponent.
| - Execute five environmental grapples.
| - Execute seven submission moves to an opponent's torso.
| - Bloody both opponents in Tag match.
| - Get tired enough to fall down.
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| - Taunt six times while out of the ring.
| - Consume 400 units of stamina.
| - Complete twenty quick grapples.
| - Pump up the crowd five times as the illegal partner (tag match).
| - Argue with the ref four times.
| - Manually halt the ref's pinfall count four times.
| - Perform your finisher four times.
| - Spend over thirty seconds fighting outside the ring.
| - Bust a barbed wire 2x4 on an opponent.
| - Defeat a super-heavyweight in two and a half minutes or less while playing as a cruiser.
| - Destroy all the announcer tables.
| - Defeat a super-heavyweight in two and half minutes or less while playing as a diva.
| - Win a match with less than 50% health.
| - Complete ten running grapples.
| - Bust a trash can on opponent.
| - Perform two finishers outside the ring.
| - Let top-momentum timer expire three times.
| - Climb the top rope four times and jump down rather than attacking.
| - Hit top rope moves off every corner.
| - Connect with ten attacks off the top rope.
| - Successfully taunt your opponent eight times.
| - Stay out of the ring until the ref's nine-count.
| - Do not use a strike the entire match.
| - Connect with twelve standing strikes.
| - Distract referee four times (tag match).
| - Hit top rope move to an opponent at ringside.
| - Perform five submission holds while out of the ring.
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| - Block or counter at least ten attacks/grapples.
| - Execute five total control grapples.
| - Successfully taunt your opponent four times.
| - Complete a match without taking damage.
| - Win with very little momentum.
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| - Only use a total of three different attacks or grapples for the whole match.
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| - Connect with five attacks off the top rope.
| - Win without going for a single pin attempt.
| - Strike opponent with five different objects.
| - Bust a chair on opponent.
| - Reverse/counter every attack/grapple in a match.
| - Win in less than two and a half minutes.
| - Spend two minutes fighting outside of the ring.
| - Do not use a grapple the entire match.
| - Use one attack or grapple exclusively for an entire match.
| - Break out of three total control grapples by an opponent.
| - Come up short looking for object under ring.
| - Execute seven submission moves to an opponent's neck.
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| - Complete all your Superstar's signatures and finishers.
| - Win while both you and opponent were bloody.
| - Execute a submission move to every part of an opponent's body.
| - Execute two grapples against the security barricade.
| - Win a match after being bloodied.
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| - Complete four strikes/grapples from the apron (tag match).
| - Bust a Singapore cane on opponent.
| - Irish Whip opponent into corner ten times.
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| - Win with 85% of your total health.
| - Knock opponent down and never let them back up.
| - Win despite being hit with three different objects.
| - Connect with eight strikes with opponent is in the corner.
| - Execute five strong grapples.
| - Complete ten running attacks.
| - Win without sustaining yellow limb damage anywhere.
| - Execute seven submission holds to an opponent's leg.
| - Lock on a submission move while opponent is on an announcer table.
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| - Irish Whip opponent outside ring three times.
| - Execute seven submission holds to an opponent's arms.
| - Have a taunt interrupted by an opponent three times.
| - Execute five signature moves.
| - Make an opponent bleed within one minute.
| - Perform your finisher eight times.
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| - Win by pinfall after five two-counts by either superstar.
| - Win despite being put through a table (including announce table).
| - Win while only being countered/revered three or fewer times.
| - Destroy one of the announcer tables.
| - Perform seven double-team moves (tag match).
| - Irish Whip opponent five times.
| - Break up three taunt attempts by your opponent.
| - Take an opponent's object three times.