Ability | How to unlock
| - Make your opponents bleed ten times and bleed yourself ten times (rewarded on win with blood).
| - Win a Cage match in under a minute by escaping.
| - Get a "5 Star" rank against three different opponents who have this ability.
| - Defeat a superstar rated 20 points higher overall while both having orange damage.
| - Win a Special match against two opponents.
| - Successfully taunt ten times in a match (must not have steal taunt).
| - Earn an ability within your first ten career matches, then get the "Sit In The Corner" award.
| - Earn a "5 Star" rank against every competitor in a title path, not including the title match.
| |
| - Get a "5 Star" ranked ladder match against one of the Hardys.
| - Face Y2J in a singles match and escape the Walls Of Jericho.
| - Defeat twenty different Superstars
- Object Specialist(Grab with object)
| - Execute fifty object attacks in your career.
| - Complete twenty five dives in your career.
| - Defeat three superstars who have Possum Pin to get a sneaky pinfall, catching your opponent by surprise.
| - Get five DQ losses, then win a championship match against a clean superstar.
| - Kick out of a pin at "2" while having two parts of red body damage.
| - Win the Cruiserweight championship
| - Foil your opponent's attempt to steal your taunt (cannot have Fan Fave ability).
| - Attempt seven Struggle Submissions in one match and then win.
| - Break forty tables in your career (announcer tables will count).