
911 Operator

911 Operator Cheats...

  911 Operator Walkthroughs

   Add Money (In Increments of $1...
   More Reputation...
   Various Steam Achievements...

Add Money (In Increments of $1,000,000.00)

To add funds you must enter the Console by PRESSING THE BUTTON located UNDER YOUR KEYBOARD'S ESCAPE KEY. After entering the console ENTER THE TEXT: givemethemoney. Then press ENTER. This will add 1,000,000.00 to your total. You can do this as much as you'd like to continue to add more money.


More Reputation

Press the key below Esc and type 'setreputation100' or you can type how much you want to complete career mode more easily.

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock

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